7 Reasons Why You Must Choose WordPress For Website Design

Alright guys, so I am here again to tell you about WordPress! The amazing Content Management System that gives the opportunity to develop amazing websites of various types. Well, before you start thinking of how much WordPress is paying me for this article, yes I am earning from using WordPress, but this is not a paid article neither do I work for WordPress, I work with Soutech.

Many web developers like myself are owing WordPress a big “thank you” for creating something that enables developers to develop awesome website at the drop of a hat. Actually, all the programming and coding had been done, and oh! The themes too.

Yeah! So what should I be doing with a ready-made Content Management System?

Frontend my friend, Implementation, user interface and user experience. WordPress is an out of the box content management system, but it does not replace Frontend Developers. It is a perfect framework designed for frontend developers.

Don’t miss it; Professional web design training at Soutech Web Consult 

Want to know why developers made WordPress a favourite choice CMS?

  1. Open Source: Now, this is the part that can be confusing to some newbie. Open source doesn’t mean that the codes/scripts are open to all, I mean they are open but not vulnerable as perceived by some individuals. Open source means that you can have access to the core, modify the codes and scripts as deemed in order to achieve your expectations and set goals. It is free to use and you can modify (your own downloaded/installed copy), not the entire WordPress Repository.
  1. Easy to Use: WordPress was initially designed and created with bloggers in mind. That is to say, all you just need to do is write the articles and publish. Writing an article on WordPress is more like composing and sending an email. WordPress comes with a WYSIWYG editor which assures that we had nothing to worry about if we can use Word or any word processing software, then we can use WordPress also. WordPress handles many of the coding stuff behind-the-scene and automatically execute commands such as navigational links, look and feel, user management, indexing and other complex commands that might require writing long lines of codes to execute.

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  1. Popular: There are tons of advantages that come with being “a popular guy”. For instance, when it comes to hosting, there is no limitation or extra work-around for hosting a WordPress website. In-fact, some hosting providers now have a special package for WordPress websites. As of today, WordPress runs 5.3% of the entire internet. WordPress has over 50% share of the CMS market globally. 14.7% of the top 100 websites in the world are powered by WordPress with over 37 million Google search per month. Over 18 million websites on the entire web use WordPress.
CMS Stats - Soutech Web Consult
Source: https://trends.builtwith.com/cms
  1. Security and Update: Every developer knows and understands clearly that there is always a need for updates in development. WordPress core updates are seamless to your websites. It comes with a lot of bug fixes, security fixes, enhancement and new features. Another good thing is, you do not need to pull down your WordPress website before running an update. The WordPress core security is being handled by seasoned developers and programmers who are volunteering their skills and expertise to the continuous development of WordPress. There are also lots of security plugins in the WordPress repository available for your use, all you need to do is install, activate and keep updating whenever there is a new release.
  1. Help and Support: What every web developer or designer is always in need of is help and support. WordPress has a robust support and help to come from its gigantic community of professional developers, coders and programmers. Developing websites with WordPress is as good as cruising with the best of the bests. It feels good when getting help and support is easy, but it’s cooler when they are all coming to you for free. It’s a way to say “we get you covered”.
  1. Plugins, Plugins: The main components of WordPress are Core, Themes and Plugins. The core is responsible the possibility of creating Post, Pages, installation of themes and plugins. Plugins give you the extra features your website needs in order to be spectacular depending on what your goals are. With plugins, your WordPress website can be transformed from just a website to something unique and different. The good thing is some of these plugins can be installed for free, while there are others with robust features which are premium.
  1. Speed: Every client or customer wants something done. Most of them do not care how and what technology you use in building it, as their concern is set on achieving their own goals. You have probably one goal; “to make the client happy”.  When you think of building a PHP/MySQL project, a robust website within days, your best bet should be WordPress. Now you know the type of speed I mean. With WordPress you can deliver bespoke websites to your clients in a speedily, yet professional manner.

Now that you have known these seven points of WordPress wonders, you should be puzzling your mind with one question right now; “how do I learn WordPress”?

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Very Simple. Over the years Soutech Web Consults has been training individuals on WordPress and other I.T related courses. Soutech has help developers achieve their goals faster by providing support and solutions as it concerns Web Development, Application Development and more.

Visit https://soutechventures.com/courses to select your desired I.T course to enrol and start doing things smartly.

Author: SouTech Team
Soutech Ventures is primarily an Information Technology Firm, which was created to be the numero uno in business promotion development & implementation, eBusiness & IT systems integration and consultancy industry of the Nigerian Economy and to partners worldwide. Our Core strengths are - Tech Trainings and Certifications - Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Solutions - Software Development & Deployment for SME & Govt. - Tech Internship, HR & Partnerships
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